Koala Tree Shears

Powerful Koala Excavator Tree Shears

Made from high-strength steel and armed with a replaceable blade it comes as no surprise that the Koala Tree shears have become a success across the globe. The MDE Koala tree shear range was designed with a purposely built heavy Hardox chassis to ensure it is stronger, more resilient, and robust than any excavator tree shear in its market category.

We offer a wide range of tree shears with 4 cutting diameter models that suit excavators 1.5 – 30 tons. Attached to an excavator's hammer lines, the Koala tree shears are a hydraulic attachment that cuts trees efficiently with its’ powerful hydraulic ram. With our signature replaceable wing-style blade to be the first on the market.

Through years of testing and re-designing, MDE has developed an efficient, powerful, high-quality attachment for cutting trees. The arm takes a firm grip on the tree and a hydraulic cylinder pushes the hardox edge through the tree to shear it. The benefit this design has is that when the tree is cut it can be placed in a safe location.

Application Areas

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  • Fast harvest of small trees, bushes, and strong wood.
  • Harvesting and maintenance of forestry.
  • Maintenance work in the utilities sector.
  • Private and commercial landscape maintenance.
  • Suitable for the clearing of agricultural land.
  • Maintenance of roadways, railways, and canals.

Key features

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  • Materials are easier handled to drop off areas
  • Easily removes trees & bushes
  • Low cost-efficient attachment
  • Improves operator’s safety
  • Low maintenance cost
  • Simple and easy to use, lowers your labor costs
  • Quick and easy to set up (aux pipes, hammer pipes)

K150 Tree Shear

It may be small, but it's mighty!

Excavators 1.5t - 5t

Weight 104kg

Cutting Capacity 150mm/6"

K200 Tree Shear

The K200 is super lightweight yet extremely strong.

Excavators 2.7t - 10t

Weight 202kg

Cutting Capacity 200mm/8"

K300 Tree Shear

Our most versatile tree shear in the range

Excavators 6t - 21t

Weight 390kg

Cutting Capacity 300mm/12”

K400 Tree Shear

King of the Koalas.

Excavators 12t - 36t
Weight 758kg

Cutting Capacity 400mm/16"



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