FP Firefighting Piercing Kit

DYNASET FP Firefighting Piercing Kit uses a mobile machine’s hydraulic system as a power source to produce piercing power and high-pressure water for fire extinguishing.


Key Benefits

It enables a firefighting team to pierce through windows, walls, and roofs to extinguish a fire with high-pressure water mist before firefighters enter the room.

  • High-pressure water mist suppresses fire and drastically lowers the room temperature
  • Safe way to lower the temperature of superheated gasses to prevent backdraft
  • Enables safe entrance for firefighters
  • Extinguishes rooms that would be either hard or too dangerous to enter
  • Smaller water damages when distinguishing due to low water consumption
  • Operated remotely
  • Fast and easy to use
  • Low water consumption
  • Saves time, space, water damages, lives, and resources
  • Easy installation on all hydraulic systems
  • Reliable
  • Compact
  • Eco-friendly
  • Two-year or 2000-hour warranty


In addition to the optimized water flow, which minimizes the water damage caused to the buildings in firefighting, there is useful features.

  • Remotely operated piercing tool
  • Effective fire extinguishing with high-pressure water mist
  • Optimal water consumption due to small droplet size
  • Integration on a rescue or firefighting vehicle
  • Uses a vehicle’s hydraulic system as a power source
  • The piercing tool is located on the vehicle’s boom